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BWSC 65 year anniversary 

Membership Benefits and Requirements

If you enjoy sailing and want to:

  • expand your cruising and/or offshore racing horizons,
  • gain confidence by sailing in the company of others,
  • meet friendly people who share your interests,


… you should consider joining the Blue Water Sailing Club (BWSC) !

Members enjoy the advantages of an extended network of friendly sailors on the East Coast. Most current members are experienced sailors with a range of cruising activity. Whether families just migrating from racing to cruising, individuals whose spouses/partners do not sail, couples with serious offshore time or those who just purchased a new or larger boat, BWSC offers the ability to build on your own experience while enjoying the camaraderie of other sailors. 

While many members join as their only sailing affiliation, others choose BWSC as a second, complementary club providing opportunities for year round land-based activities, educational seminars, social gatherings and group cruising mentorship. 


Membership Requirements


The core requirement for regular membership is that you own a sailing vessel with a minimum LWL of 20 ft. A completed application, sponsorship by three current members and approval by the Board is also required. 


Membership dues are $150/year, with a $200 initiation fee and your membership can include your spouse or partner residing at the same address. 


One-year transitional membership is available to qualified sailors who submit an application and are approved by the Board, but do not yet have the three required sponsors. Transitional Memberships provide full access to winter seminars, summer cruises, annual meetings and pub nights, as well as the web site. Transitional Membership should last no longer than one year. Participation in club activities routinely and easily enables transitional members to identify the sponsors needed to become full members with all rights and privileges. Initiation fees are not due until you are a full member.